It all started with rice porridge and a little girl
A winter day in 2013, Dag H. Gundersen was eating rice porridge with his granddaughter. The little girl loved cinnamon, but was afraid to add it to her porridge because of a badly working pouring mechanism. She always ended up getting too much cinnamon, and only on the wrong places. «Can you invent something that doesn’t spill?», she asked her grandfather. The answer was «yes».
From idea to high-speed production machine
Dag presented his granddaughters request to his colleagues at Fimtech. Fimtech is a Norwegian engineering company that takes ideas and turn them into high-speed production machines. The company has over 40 years of experience and specializes in design, manufacturing and installation of custom web converting machines for disposable consumer care products, pharmaceutical products and products for the food industry.

The quest for the perfect sprinkle
Fimtech had for a long time thought about making a product of their own, but was holding out for the right idea. And here it was. All served up on a silver platter (so to speak). But the work was far from done. The following years were filled with pondering, product development and prototype testing. All in the quest for the illusive perfect sprinkle.
The proof is on the porridge
The hard work payed off and the result was Push & Dose. Dag and his colleagues took the finished Push Dose with them to product fairs, and everyone who tested it had the same response: «WOW!». In 2019, Push & Dose was awarded a ScanStar-award. The jury called it «A functional and innovative solution», and highlighted how the product replaces glass jars and lowers transportation costs.

If it sprinkles, it will Push & Dose
Push & Dose is now a patented product, for perfect sprinkling of everything from spices, cake decoration to dry shampoo, talcum powder, hobby glitter and so much more. HDG in Germany has become our first partner and is offering Push & Dose integrated into their filling machines. Their very first RB200 was placed here at Fimtech in 2021, enabling us to further develop our product and to help customers with innovative and sustainable packaging solutions.
And yes, Dags´ granddaughter is enjoying her rice porridge. With sugar and cinnamon from a Push & Dose pouch.